
Gear Lubrication Methods

Gear Lubrication Methods - VCS Sales and Distribution

For the proper functioning of the gearbox of industrial machines, lubrication is crucial and helps keep excess heat away generated from operations. Adequately lubricating these elements of your industrial gearbox will result in mechanical efficiency, reliability, low maintenance, and a long equipment life span. Lubricants are not only used for gearboxes but also for various other bearings in the machine and gearbox. There are many methods for lubricating any machine. Read on to know some of the most used gear lubrication methods for industrial machines.

Adequate lubrication is always needed to decrease the friction between the machines’ elements and keep cooling the parts for optimal performance. Industrial machines manufacturing companies provide the specifications of lubrication methods to be used for the machine and gearboxes. However, the best lubrication method for any machine depends on the environmental conditions the machine and gearbox are operating.

Important Gear Lubrication Methods

The lubrication method used for any gearbox depends on the work and environmental conditions the machine is exposed to and the load taken by the gearbox. There is some lubrication method followed by most of the companies. Here are some of the lubrication methods followed

1. Grease Lubrication

Grease lubrication is best for low-speed operation, and in this method, using the proper quantity of lubricant is very important. Using excess lubricant can result in the addition of viscous drag, leading to power loss. The main drawback of this method is that there is less cooling for the gearbox, and it is not recommended for heavy-duty machines.

2. Splash or Bath lubrication

Splash lubrication is most commonly used for spur, helical, and bevel gearboxes. This method is also called bath lubrication because the method utilizes a reservoir that is partially or filled with oil. The process is carried out by dipping the teeth of the box into oil and then splashing the oil onto other teeth or other components by rotating at a speed of 3 m/s. The major limitation of this method is that it is crucial to check the oil level in the reservoir. If the oil is more, then there is a risk of losing oil, and if there is less oil, then gears will not cool down.

3. Spray lubrication

Spray lubrication is used for high-speed industrial gearboxes. The oil is sprayed onto the surfaces through the nozzles provided, and the oil is circulated at a pressure of 0.7 barg. In this type of lubrication, extra care is to see oil reaching the contacting surfaces.

4. Forced Oil Lubrication

Forced oil lubrication is preferred for high-speed machines and includes other methods such as oil spray, oil drop, and oil mist.

  • Oil Spray Method applies oil to all the components and gearbox
  • In Oil mist method, the oil is atomized to saturate all the components, including the gearbox
  • The oil drop method pumps oil directly onto the surfaces that need oil.


Regardless of the lubrication method used for gearboxes, it is essential to choose the right type of lubricant to get high-performance from the gearbox. The oil’s viscosity is of utmost importance while selecting the oil, providing the required cooling, and protecting the surfaces. VCS is the supplier of high-quality oils and transmission fluids for over 10 years in Canada. Contact us for more information.


VCS Distributors, a leader in providing wide range of quality lubricants, chemicals and equipment for use in passenger and commercial vehicles as well as industrial equipment. We also offer a range of lubricant-related services including oil condition monitoring, oil storage solutions, surveys, and training. This means you can concentrate on what you do best, while we take care of your lubrication needs.

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