
Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Oils vs. Passenger Car Engine Oils

Engine oil or Motor oil is a mixture of base oil and various other additives which help in the lubrication of the internal combustion engine of any vehicle. The additives added are antiwear, dispersants, and other viscosity index improvers. The primary function of any motor oil is to reduce the friction on the engine and keep the engine free from sludge. Motor oil also neutralizes acids that emit from fuel, and the detergents added in oil help cool the engine. Depending on the vehicle type used, the motor oil should also be changed. Read on to know the main differences between heavy-duty diesel engine oil and passenger car engine oils.

Difference Between Heavy Duty and Light Duty Engine

There are many differences between heavy-duty and light-duty engines. The main difference is the RPM and power generated by both engines. The RPM and power are very low in heavy-duty engines when compared to light-duty engines. The volume of oil required for heavy-duty engines is more as the engines produce more soot when compared to passenger car engines.

Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Oils vs. Passenger Car Engine Oils

The main difference between the two oils lies in four areas like

Usage of Oil
Composition of Oil
Specifications or requirements of engines

1. Usage of Oil

Heavy-duty engine oils are used for commercial transport vehicles like agriculture or mining equipment. Passenger engine oils are used in different vehicles altogether, like cars and two-wheelers.

2. Composition of Oil

Heavy-duty engines produce more soot or sludge when compared to passenger engines. Soot contains more carbon dioxide, which is unburnt, and these cause damages to the engine. The oils used for heavy-duty diesel engines need to have additives that combat the formation of soot. Detergents and dispersants are used as additives to prevent the soot from forming into undesired abrasive particles. The additives are required in higher volumes in heavy-duty engines when compared to passenger car engines.

The viscosity of heavy-duty engine oils is much higher than passenger car engine oils; this is because heavy-duty machines operate with more load than cars. Using high viscosity oils is also beneficial for heavy vehicles as oil becomes thinner on heating up. Using the wrong oil can make the engine overheat, leading to more problems.

3. Specifications of Engine

In heavy-duty machines, the RPM and power produced are very low when compared to passenger car engines. On the other hand, heavy-duty engines also need to handle heavy loads, so higher volumes of oil are required while cars require less volume of oil for usage.

4. Changing the Oil For Engines

As specified by the engine oil manufacturers, the engine oil for passenger cars should be changed between 2000 to 10,000 KM. Coming to heavy-duty engines, the oil change can be after 40,000 km. Both the heavy-duty engines and passenger car engines operate under different conditions, and the oil change also depends on the driver of the vehicle. Passenger cars are used for short distances, while heavy-duty vehicles will have to run for more hours with steady RPM.


Choosing the right oil is essential to reduce the wear on the engine and at the same time increase the fuel economy. For over 10 years, VCS Sales and Distribution has been providing world-class engine oils and lubricants to its customers and serving various industries like Agriculture, Automotive, Marine, and Mining. Contact us for more information.


VCS Distributors, a leader in providing wide range of quality lubricants, chemicals and equipment for use in passenger and commercial vehicles as well as industrial equipment. We also offer a range of lubricant-related services including oil condition monitoring, oil storage solutions, surveys, and training. This means you can concentrate on what you do best, while we take care of your lubrication needs.

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